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Careas In Computer Science/Engineer
10 Fastest-Growing
Careers for Computer
Science Majors
If you think that earning a
degree in computer science
consists of little more than a
humdrum experience of clicking
around a screen with a computer
mouse, you are wrong.
Computer science is actually a
fascinating field bursting with
creativity and potential. Students
in this major will learn how to
become experts in debugging
computer programs, create
functional and beautiful websites
and software, as well as how to
maintain computer and network
security so that sensitive
information is not lost. Computer
science majors can go on to work
independently, as part of an in-
house technical team, or even
with the government to
investigate computer crimes. To
be able to tackle all of these
responsibilities, students can earn
a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral
degree in computer science-
related disciplines. Students of all
degree levels will have to be
proficient in mathematics as well
as possess the capability to think
logically and problem-solve. They
will hone these skills with
courses in calculus, software
engineering, computer security,
interactive storytelling, and other
related topics. Upon graduation,
there are numerous employment
opportunities available to
computer science majors. For
example, graduates can work as
network and database
administrators, computer systems
analysts, or computer scientists,
among others.
The overall computer technology
field is prospering, thanks to the
increasing reliance of business
and everyday affairs on
computers. Employment
opportunities for those in
computer systems design will
increase a whopping 48.78%
during the 2008-18 decade,
according to the U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics. This is great
news indeed for those looking to
join the field. One of the only
computer science-related jobs to
be wary of are positions in
computer programming, as much
of this work is being outsourced
to different countries. However,
most other computer science-
related professions are