One might ask what that to be hidden is; if such is a secret, what is the need to reveal it, but I can tell you that I see it as a secret because of the vulnerable influence it have created in the minds of so many people especially youths. The truth outlives ones life. I still maintain the fact that Honesty is the best policy. Friends have always said that it is difficult for one to be honest, all through; but note it that “he that speaks truth exhibit righteousness but a false witness is deceit”. What makes you whom you are is what comes out of you and that influences your life. If your life is full of deceit, the effects will (Miss Ester C Muomah)come all of a sudden and you live to regret it. I have learn by heart this and found it to be true that Truth will surmount every arguments if you stick to it long enough; although honesty may not be fashionable but it is always right. Note this, is funny but important; two half-truth don’t make a whole truth. Don’t think of speaking half truth; “a lie has only one leg and must be supported by another lies”- T.L.Osborn. Even if there is no acceptance for honesty, better still, it has no substitute. What youths of this day called love is not love but is a mere camouflage aim at victimizing their target. Thy mistake it as just being romantic; but one thing you must know is that God is love. His love is termed Agape; the feeling of compassionate, security, neutral and balanced; which is often seen in the life of parents. Erotic love in the other hands is is a focus on sexual desire, especially the feelings of anticipation of sexual activity. It is when you see that person for the first time and he/she makes your knees go weak or gives you butterflies in your stomach. Fondly called "Love at first sight”. Most people don’t even love the person they think they are in love with…they fall in love with the idea if being in love. This is more of a lustful kind of love; it wears off after a while and hopefully leads to regret. Thus beware of so-called romantic/erotic love. Finally, I will not forget the last best known love, (after the first one in this article) recommended by me which is phyla love. This is the sincere love, the love that lasts forever. This kind of love comes when you have found the person you are destined to be with. Nothing can destroy unconditional love. It is like when you have an argument or disagree about something with that person and you realize that it doesn’t bother you because the love you have for him/her overcomes everything. Remain bless for understanding. writenned by Master I.E.Muomah(Cyber World Computer College Nnewi, Anambra State Nigeria) phone: +2348064783180 ; email: